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What Mistakes to Avoid While Choosing a Financial Planner

Are you choosing a financial advisor? Deciding a wise and perfect financial planner is a very important decision in your life, as it decides the monetary trajectory of your life. Here, Bharatvit provides you five blunders that people make when they appoint a financial advisor.

When you talk about money management, a plan makes all the difference. Having a financial plan is a strategy that pace you in order to achieve your financial goals. When you have a robust financial strategy you can manage your cash flows easily. Further, you can forecast financial needs in the future. Although it is a simple concept, there is a lot to meet the expectations. This is the reason why hiring a financial advisor is beneficial to align financial goals. Let’s accept the fact—Not everyone has the desire or time to become a financial expert. 

When you search on Google, you can quickly get hundreds and thousands of results. Not just that, there will be individuals who claim to be financial planners, wealth managers, advisors, and fiduciaries, how come you do not make a mistake in choosing the wrong person? 

5 Mistakes to Avoid When You Choose a Financial Advisor

Hiring a Financial Planner on Sentiment

A financial planner should not be chosen on the basis of an existing relationship. You need to have certain parameters of measuring their performance and knowledge. Hire the financial planner on the basis of your present and future needs. In addition, make sure that you don’t have to compromise your financial goals and this person is able to take care of that smoothly. 

If you see your finances are not getting adapted as per your needs to achieve a better long term place, then it’s time to make a change.

Not Getting the Credentials

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Once you ask your advisor regarding their credentials, you get a sense of security that they know about what they are doing and have the capability to handle your finances. Finally, make sure if they are registered with SEC as it protects them to enforce the nation’s security laws, take actions against the wrongdoers, and oversea securities markets to make sure that investors get treated in a fair way. Before you get a new advisor, make sure that they are well known for their work. 

Misunderstanding Brokers as Financial Advisors

Brokers generally take care of the financial life such as investment, but aren’t charged with responsibility for your whole financial life. A financial advisor looks at your whole financial picture: tax, finances, investment and more. Different bodies regulate financial advisors for practicing. You must understand what to pick as per your needs.

Inability to Discuss Philosophies

Investment is a set of beliefs and principles that take you through an investor’s decision making process. It includes a broad set of laws or rules, but more of the strategies and guidelines that meet the goals, deadlines, expectations, and risk tolerance. Further, finding the advisor’s plans to help you reach your objectives, you should discuss how he/she handles the down market and work with changes in the overall economy. Also, check the philosophy of the advisor—very aggressive, very conservative or somewhere in between? Select an advisor that can help you expand financial possibilities in life, and understands personal resources and utilize them. 

Follow Your Advisor Blindly

Financial advisors should jot down your issues first and then start suggesting. This includes asking the related questions regarding the unique financial situation, goals and income. For example, if an advisor starts prescribing investment suggestions without questioning more to completely understand your scenario, you should actually be cautious.

It’s also important to know that a financial plan is actually a breathing and living document. This is the reason why there is ongoing arrangement for the financial plan to meet your needs and update life changes. Ultimately, this is not a one time process, so be sure to review your plans at least six months after choosing an advisor. 


Choosing a financial advisor is not that hard if you go through all these points and avoid making blunders. Make your choice wisely and lead a great financial life ahead meeting your goals and expectations. 

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